Asado Meat Grill

Asado is a technique for cooking cuts of meat, usually consisting of beef alongside various other meats, which are cooked on a grill (parrilla) or open fire. It is considered the traditional dish of Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile and southern Brazil. In Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay some alternatives are the asado al disco and asado al horno de barro, especially in the countryside. The recipe doesn’t change, only the way of cooking the meat and of alls. In the asado al disco the worn out disc of a plough is used. Asado, the lively Argentinean Grill, serves premium meat cuts prepared in Asado Criollo-style on an open Parrilla grill in the centre of the restaurant.


  • 1 kg. meat
  • 1 regular kosher sausage (imitation chorizo)
  • 1 black sausage (use another kind of sausage for variety)
  • 1/2 kidney
  • 1 stuffed intestine (we call it kishke)
  • 1/2 spiced meat covered (pamplona)
  • 1/2 spiced liver


  • To start your fire: Buy “espinillo” logs for firewood. Make sure the logs are hard, dry and thin. It takes about 6 lbs. of wood for 4 persons. Place paper (old newspaper), then pine cones, then the firewood in the grate. If the fire is hard to start, place some meat fat on the wood to burn. Let it burn until it produces a good quantity of red embers. Meanwhile, clean the rack by placing over the fire and wiping it with oil. Remove from heat. Place red embers under the rack, then salted meat on the rack and then the rest of the barbeque, washed and pierced on a grill fork on the rack.
  • All embers are then drawn underneath the meat until it is done. The meat is done when golden brown on both sides.

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